Monday, March 1, 2010

Hair rut?

In my line of work, there is one piece of everyone's image that everyone always seems hesitant to change - their hair. Hair is an extension of our fashion sense, personality and lifestyle - it shows who we are!

It's so much fun to play with - you can choose different colours, styles, and cuts to reflect the various moods we all go through on a day to day basis.

I find however, many women today get stuck in the "hair rut". They become comfortable with a style they've had for ages - and never change it. Either that, or they keep a haircut that perhaps reflected a time in their life where they felt best about themselves. As a result, I've seen many women today walking around with mullets, and perms from the trends of years ago - or cuts that are just so boring it kills an entire "look" you've worked so hard to put together.

So how important is a haircut and style?

It's VERY important. Just like clothing - if it's outdated looking - you will also look outdated. As a result, many people will make the assumption that your job skills are also - or that you're just "out of touch" with what's current. Not okay.

My general rule of thumb is that if it's been 3-5 years and you haven't at least changed the style of your hair - it's probably outdated.

This is why so many people love Victoria Beckham - her style has already remained relatively the same - but she's constantly changing her hair - giving her a fresh edge to whatever look she is striving for.

I'm not saying you have to drastically change your look at each haircut - but play with colours, different textures, bangs, or just how you style your hair! You might be surprised and how much a "good hair day" can affect your mood.

What do you think?

Warmest wishes,

Christie Ressel, International Image Consultant and style coach
Personal Power Image Consulting

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